
联系人:李经理 先生 (经理)







1, vehicle engine maintenance after rain driving, if you encounter low-lying Road area water, do not drive hard. Because once the engine is filled with water, the burning chamber is filled with water, the high-speed rotating crankshaft linkage is hard to push up, the automobile engine is maintained and the water is incompressible. The huge inertia force often breaks the connecting rod, and the cylinder body of the high temperature cylinder of the automobile engine is suddenly encountered cold water and can cause the cylinder to crack, and the electric jet is launched. If the electronic part of the machine is infiltrated into the water, it will also form a short circuit, resulting in damage to the components and even the computer.
2, automobile engine maintenance fuel shortage and its time to add. In the tank, an electric pump is responsible for transporting fuel to the engine. When the motor works, it will heat up. When it is in the fuel, the heat of the engine is cooled by the surrounding fuel. If the fuel is seriously insufficient, the oil pump will be exposed to the air, and the temperature of the motor will gradually rise and burn up after a long time. Therefore, when the fuel meter pointer reaches the warning area, it is necessary to add fuel in time.
  济南陆通汽车是一家集进口国产高端轿车,越野车、城市SUV,诊断 ,维修与保养及配件供应与一体的专业性汽车售后服务中心,本中心拥 有高端车专用检测设备,主营:进口国产 宝马、奔驰、大众、奥迪、 沃尔沃等高端车诊断维修与保养服务(德系专修)。


联系人:李经理 先生 (经理)
电 话:0531-66729379
传 真:0531-66729379
手 机:15689730223
地 址:中国山东济南市济南全福立交桥东100米路北(工业北路301号)通运汽配城4排15、16号,北排12号
邮 编:250000
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