Generally, a license plate recognition system is evaluated from the three aspects of recognition rate, recognition speed and background management, and of course, everything is based on the normal and stable operation of the system.
One of the most important indicator is the recognition rate and recognition speed, determines whether a license plate recognition system can even meet the real-time application requirements; the backstage management system determines the license plate recognition system is easy to use, should also pay attention to consider the existence of objective factors, such as car brand, defaced fuzzy masking, weather conditions and so on occlusion accident.
But the stable background need to have the following elements: first of all have stable recognition results and image data storage function, to prevent the emergence of network error data will be lost is not convenient when artificial; effective automatic comparison and query technology requirements identified the license number license from the database code automatic alarm or contrast in a timely manner; to provide real-time communication, network security and remote maintenance, so that the dynamic data exchange in a timely manner, the database can be automatically updated, parameter setting and fault diagnosis hardware system.
At the same time, the improvement of license plate automatic identification technology ne
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