HYSOL EO1016电子组装/工业胶水/电子组装胶水/工业用胶
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技术服务热线:021-51693135 / 021-22818476
EO1016 is an epoxy encapsulant intended for applicationsrequiring excellent handling properties. The cured materialsurvives severe thermal shock and offers continuous service to177 °C. It is particularly suited for use on transistors and similarsemiconductors, can be used for encapsulation of watch ICs.
Viscosity, Brookfield - RVF, 25 °C, mPa•s (cP):
Spindle 6, speed 2 62,000
Spindle 6, speed 20 58,000
Thixotropic Index 1.1
Specific Gravity @ 25oC 1.56
Shelf Life:
@ 4oC, months 12
@ -40oC, months 12
Gel Time @ 121oC, minutes 4.5
Pot life @ 25 °C, months 3
Flash Point - See MSDS
Recommended Cure Schedule
20 minutes @ 150°C
Alternative Cure Schedule
24 hours @ 93°C
The above cure profile is a guideline recommendation. Cure conditions(time and temperature) may vary based on customers' experience andtheir application requirements, as well as customer curing equipment,oven loading and actual oven temperatures.
Storage Store product in the unopened container in a dry location.Storage information may be indicated on the product containerlabeling.Liquid Storage - Liquids should be stored at 23°C orbelow, in closed containers. If stored below 23°C, thematerial MUST be allowed to come to room temperature, inthe sealed container, to avoid moi