EMERSON & CUMING E1216电子组装/工业胶水/电子组装
EMERSON & CUMING E1216电子组装/EMERSON & CUMING E1216电子组装/EMERSON & CUMING E1216电子组装/EMERSON & CUMING E1216电子组装/EMERSON & CUMING E1216电子组装/EMERSON & CUMING E1216电子组装/EMERSON & CUMING E1216电子组装/EMERSON & CUMING E1216电子组装/EMERSON & CUMING E1216电子组装/EMERSON & CUMING E1216电子组装/EMERSON & CUMING E1216电子组装/工业胶水/电子组装胶水/工业用胶
技术服务热线:021-51693135 / 021-22818476
Product Description: E 1216 is a new, innovative capillary flow filled with CSP, BGA or flip chip device. E 1216 Design For the need for a large volume assembly operation the bottom fill flow is very fast, completely healing the length of a reflow oven, but is stable enough to easily transport, store and use large capacity cartridges (up to 20 ounces). E 1216 has an extraordinary working life and can be used in many production classes. E 1216 is specifically designed for the elimination of acid anhydrides for those who prefer to work with the type of curing agent and anhydride-free products.
Storage and handling: E 1216 shelf life of -20 ℃ storage 6 months temperature and + 5 ℃ for 1 week. The available shelf life will vary depending on the storage temperature. See the table below for the shelf life at various temperatures. For best results, store it in original, sealed containers, in a clean, dry environment.
产品描述:E 1216是一种全新的创新型毛细管,充满了CSP,BGA或倒装芯片。 E 1216设计为了满足大批量装配操作的需要,底部填充流程非常快,完全可以回收回流炉的长度,但足够稳定,可以轻松地运输,储存和使用大容量墨盒(*多20盎司)。 E 1216具有非凡的工作生活,可用于许多生产类。 E 1216专门为消除酸酐,为那些喜欢使用固化剂和无酸酐产品的人士而设计。
应用:E 1216设计用于提高CSP和BGA器件的机械强度,例如跌落和弯曲试验,而不会降低区域阵列封装本身固有的热循环性能。对于倒装芯片组件,E 1216大大提高了热循环性能。合并这种创新底层填充物的属性它是CSP和BGA或倒装芯片设备大容量组装的理想选择使用说明使用前请仔细阅读本公告所含信息的安全性和安全性。请遵守产品标签上和/或包含在个人物质安全数据表(MSDS)中的所有预防措施。 E 1216流经区域阵列装置下的毛细管。虽然没有必要,底部填充区应清洁污染物和障碍物,以优化底层包