HYSOL GR2725电子胶水/塑封胶水/汉高乐泰胶水/塑封方案
HYSOL GR2725电子胶水/塑封胶水/汉高乐泰胶水/塑封方案
技术服务热线:021-51693135 / 021-22818476
乐泰 HYSOL GR 2725 is a green epoxy based moldingcompound designed for theencapsulation of passivecomponents. This material is an excellent candidate for themolding of pressure sensitive components.乐泰 HYSOL GR 2725 meets UL 94 V-0 Flammability at6.35mm thickness.
TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF UNCURED MATERIALGel Time@ 175 °C, seconds 17Spiral Flow, @ 175°C, inches 55Shelf Life:@ -18oC, months 12Hot Hardness,Shore-D@ 175°C, 90 seconds 90TYPICAL PROCESS DATAHandlingPreheat Temperature , °C 80 to 95Molding Temperature, °C 140 to 180Transfer Pressure, Kgf/cm2 40 to 85Transfer Time, seconds 6 to 15Curing Time, 3 mm section:Conventional mold:@ 175oC, seconds 70 to 90Automold:@ 175oC, seconds 50 to 70Post Cure @ 175°C, hours 2 to 6StorageStore product in the unopened container in a dry location.Storage information may be indicated on the product containerlabeling.Powder Storage - Powder or preforms should be stored at -4oCor below, in closed containers.
After removal from coldstorage, the material MUST be allowed to come to roomtemperature, in the sealed container, to avoid moisturecontamination.
The suggested waiting time for a standard 15kg carton box is 24 hours.
乐泰 HYSOL GR 2725是一种绿色环氧基成型体,专为封装无源元件而设计。
这种材料是很好的候选人,压力敏感部件的成型.乐泰 HYSOL GR 2725符合UL 94 V-0可燃性在6.35mm厚度。固化材料的特性固体时间@ 175°C,秒17螺旋流,@ 175°C,英寸55Shelf寿命:@-18oC,月份12硬度,Shore-D @ 175°C,90秒90工艺流程数据处理预热温度,°C 80至95模具温度,°C 140至180转印压力Kgf /cm240至85转印时间,秒6至15凝固时间,3 mm截面:常规模具:@175oC,秒70至90Automold:@175oC,秒50至70固化@ 175°C,小时2至6储存在未开封容器中的产品在干燥的位置。
储存 - 粉末或预制件应储存在-4oC或以下,密闭的容器中。