HYSOL GR9851MTL电子胶水/塑封胶水/汉高乐泰胶水/塑封方案
HYSOL GR9851MTL电子胶水/塑封胶水/汉高乐泰胶水/塑封方案
技术服务热线:021-51693135 / 021-22818476
Product HYSOL GR9851MTL Description Advanced Epoxy Resin, developed to meet the packaging requirements of memory card devices.
This product exhibits excellent warpage control, long linear flow and very low lead bending properties.
"Green" non-flame retardant, and meet the 1/4 inch flammable rating.
It has excellent shrinkage characteristics, high glass transition temperature (Tg), suitable for applications requiring excellent spatial stability.
Thermal conductivity 0.9 W / mK MSL L3 / 260 ° C Linear flow, cm 223.5 Hot plate gel time, seconds 45 Fill content% 85.5 CTEa1, ppM / ° C 13 Tg, ° C 160 Key features Low cost MMC applications
产品HYSOL GR9851MTL 描述先进环氧树脂塑封料,开发用于满足记 忆卡器件的封装要求。
本品表现出出色 的翘曲控制性、长线性流动和非常低的 引线弯曲特性。
“绿色环保”无阻燃剂, 且满足 1/4 英寸可燃等级。它具有优异 的收缩特性、高玻璃化转变温度(Tg), 适用于需要优良空间稳定性的应用。
导热率0.9 W/mK MSL L3/260℃ 线性流 动,厘米223.5 热板凝胶 时间,秒 45 填充含 量 % 85.5 CTEa1, ppM/℃ 13 Tg, ℃ 160 主要特点低成本 MMC 应用。