HYSOL KL-7000HA电子胶水/塑封胶水/汉高乐泰胶水/塑封方案
HYSOL KL-7000HA电子胶水/塑封胶水/汉高乐泰胶水/塑封方案
技术服务热线:021-51693135 / 021-22818476
乐泰 HYSOL KL 7000HA epoxy molding compounddelivers outstanding performance and ease of use. Thismaterial is designed to achieve JEDEC Level 3 requirements,
at 260°C reflow temperature.乐泰 HYSOL KL 7000HA meets UL 94 V-0 Flammability
at 3.175mm thickness.TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF UNCURED MATERIALGel Time @ 175 °C, seconds 30Spiral Flow, @ 175°C, cm 110Shelf Life:@ 5oC, days 365TYPICAL PROCESS DATAHandlingPreheat Temperature :Conventional mold, °C 80 to 100Automold, seconds 0 to 5Molding Temperature, °C 150 to 195Molding Pressure, Kg/cm2 40 to 100Transfer Time:
Conventional mold, seconds 10 to 25Automold, seconds 4 to 15Curing Time, @ 175oC, seconds:Conventional mold, 70 to 120Automold, 60 to 120Post Cure @ 175°C, hours 4 to 6
StorageStore product in the unopened container in a dry location.Storage information may be indicated on the product containerlabeling.Powder Storage - Powder or preforms should be stored at 5oCor below, in closed containers. After removal from coldstorage, the material MUST be allowed to come to roomtemperature, in the sealed container, to avoid moisturecontamination. The suggested waiting time for a standard 15 kg carton box is 24 hours.
乐泰 HYSOL KL 7000HA环氧树脂成型复合材料具有出色的性能和易用性。
该材料旨在实现JEDEC 3级要求,在260°C回流温度下.乐泰 HYSOL KL 7000HA符合UL 94 V-0易燃性厚度为3.175mm。固化材料的特性时间175℃,秒30螺旋流,@ 175℃,厘米110秒寿命:@ 5℃,天365工艺过程数据处理预热温度:常规模具,80至100Automold,秒0至5模具温度,°C 150至195模压,Kg /cm240至100
转印时间:常规模具,秒10至25Automold,秒4至15固化时间,@175oC,秒:常规模具,70至120Automold,60至120固化175℃,小时4至6StorageStore产品在未开封的容器中,在干燥的位置。存储信息可能在产品容器标签上指示。粉末储存 - 粉末或预制件应存放在5oC以下,密闭容器中。