HYSOL KLGR640HV-S4电子胶水/塑封胶水/汉高乐泰胶水
HYSOL KLGR640HV-S4电子胶水/塑封胶水/汉高乐泰胶水/塑封方案
技术服务热线:021-51693135 / 021-22818476
Product HYSOL GR640HV-S4 DESCRIPTION Low stress is suitable for SOT packages.
Does not contain bromine and antimony or phosphorus flame retardants. With the lowest cost of ownership and excellent formability, stability.
Thermal conductivity 0.8 W / Mk MSL L1 / 260 ° C Linear flow, cm 79 Hot plate gel time, seconds 24 Filling content% 72CTEa1, ppM / ℃ 18 Tg, ℃ 175 Main features Suitable for high pressure applications.
产品HYSOL GR640HV-S4 描述 低应力适用于 SOT 封装。
不含溴和锑或磷系 阻燃剂。具有*低拥有成本和优良成型性、 稳定性。
导热率0.8 W/Mk MSL L1/260℃ 线性流 动,厘米 79热板凝胶 时间,秒24填充含 量 % 72CTEa1, ppM/℃ 18 Tg, ℃ 175