乐泰 438平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水
乐泰 438平板电脑/笔记本ipad专用胶水,乐泰胶水
技术服务热线:021-51693135 / 021-22818476
乐泰® 438™ is a rubber toughened adhesive with increased flexibility and peel strength along with enhanced resistance to shock. The product provides rapid bonding on a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics and elastomers, as well as porous and absorbent materials like wood, paper, leather and fabric. TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF UNCURED MATERIAL Specific Gravity @ 25 °C 1.1 Flash Point - See MSDS Viscosity, Cone & Plate, mPa•s (cP): Temperature: 25 °C, Shear Rate: 1,000 s -1 100 to 250LMS TYPICAL CURING PERFORMANCE Under normal conditions, the atmospheric moisture initiates the curing process. Although full functional strength is developed in a relatively short time, curing continues for at least 24 hours before full chemical/solvent resistance is developed. Cure Speed vs. Substrate The rate of cure will depend on the substrate used. The table below shows the fixture time achieved on different materials at 22 °C / 50 % relative humidity. This is defined as the time to develop a shear strength of 0.1 N/mm2. Fixture Time, seconds: Steel (degreased) 30 to 45 Aluminum (Isopropanol wiped) ≤60LMS Zinc dichromate 105 to 120 Neoprene 30 to 45 Rubber, nitrile
乐泰®438™是一种橡胶增韧粘合剂,具有增强的柔韧性和剥离强度以及增强的抗冲击性能。该产品在各种材料(包括金属,塑料和弹性体)以及多孔和吸收材料(如木材,纸张,皮革和织物)上提供快速粘合。固化材料的典型特性25°C时的比重1.1闪点 - 参见MSDS粘度,锥和板,mPa•s(cP):温度:25°C,剪切速率:1,000 s -1 100至250LMS典型固化性能正常情况下,大气中的水分开始固化过程。尽管在相对较短的时间内开发了全功能强度,但在全面的化学/耐溶剂性开发之前,固化持续至少24小时。固化速度与基材固化速率将取决于所使用的基材。下表显示了在22°C / 50%相对湿度的不同材料上实现的固化时间。这被定义为开发剪切强度为0.1N / mm 2的时间。夹具时间,秒:钢(脱脂)30〜45铝(异丙醇擦拭)≤60LMS重铬酸锌105〜120氯丁橡胶30〜45橡胶,腈