乐泰 986000/乐泰设备/乐泰设备大型/小型/汉
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技术服务热线:021-51693135 / 021-22818476
Product Description
The 986000 Pump-A-Bead® II 850 ml Dispense System is an all-pneumatic dispense system for pumping 乐泰® anaerobic gasketing materials from 850 ml cartridges. The product is mechanically dispensed using a ram. The ram is actuated by pneumatically driven reciprocating positive displacement piston pump. This provides for consistent dispensing and ensures that air is not introduced into the product.
This system is well suited for stationary or bead dispensing. The 乐泰® 986300 Poppet Valve is also included which is ideal for dispensing continuous beads at high pressures. The overall dimensions are 16.3 high by 36 wide by 10 deep. This system will develop fluid pressures up to 650 psi.
RoHS Compliance Status: Exempt-Non Electrical
986000 Pump-A-Bead®II 850毫升分配系统是一种全气动分配系统,用于从850毫升滤芯中抽取乐泰®厌氧衬垫材料。 使用柱塞机械地分配产品。 压头由气动往复正位移活塞泵驱动。 这提供了一致的分配并且确保空气不被引入到产品中。
该系统非常适合固定或珠粒分配。 还包括乐泰®986300提升阀,这是在高压下分配连续珠的理想选择。 整体尺寸为16.3高乘36宽乘10深。 该系统将产生高达650psi的流体压力。
RoHS合规性状态: 豁免 - 非电气